Civil Engineer, with more than 12 years linked to the Gas/Oil industry, Power Generation and Mining. Experience focused on Construction, Assembly, PreCx, Cx and Commissioning of Industrial Projects, successfully managing more than 18 contracts (240 MM USD), with full compliance with client standards. Dispute Resolution Consultant, with solid knowledge, skill and experience in the application of tools and techniques for analyzing deviations in time and cost (EVM Methodology) of projects/contracts.
Proven ability to understand the type of problems that result in cost overruns and delays in contracts, analysis and negotiation of contracts and formation of agreements between parties of different nationalities and management of contractual risks with the client and subcontractors. Facilitator of workshops and courses on Contract Administration.
Resume Detail
1007 N. Orange St. 4th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
+1 267 679 6065
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