At the outset of any engagement, QDR works to establish client trust. The following actions summarize how we initiate a collaborative Claims/Expert Witness solution that meets the client’s needs:
Check the detail of the content in the dynamic model here.
These documents allow QDR to set the starting point well, know and understand the contract, its deviations and its management, meaning reviewing, studying and analyzing -at least- the following formal, managed and traceable information, of the documents associated with the Contract:
QDR imprinting: seriousness and diligence in the allocation of efforts in labor and valorization of our services, being a sine qua non condition, prior knowledge of the contract documents, its management in execution and those that evidence the grounds of the Claim/Expert Witness:
1007 N. Orange St. 4th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
+1 267 679 6065
Copyright © 2015 Asesorías, Consultorías y Servicios QDRclaims SpA. The information contained in this site is the property of QDRclaims, and its reproduction will be allowed whenever the source is cited.