Roberto Riveros Hernádez

Senior Consultant


Expert in Cost Management and Multidisciplinary Works Contracts, Member of the AACE Chile Section Board of Directors, of the Academic Committee of AACE International Region 10 Latam and Senior Associate in the Latin American Community of Construction Experts. More than 25 years linked to the Infrastructure, Mining, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Steel sectors. Solid knowledge, skills and experience in the application of tools and techniques to the activities of a contract, scope control, costs, schedules, cost estimation, from visualization to the detailed engineering phase, evaluation of technical-economic proposals, Formulation of contractual scopes, Control of process costs and progress of work. Proven ability to understand the type of problems that result in cost overruns and delays in Construction Contract Works. International speaker and facilitator in Cost/Contract Management.



Industrial Civil Engineer (UBB’06 Chile)
Mechanical Execution Engineer (UBB’97)
Master of Operations and Services Management (UCSC’1


Comunidad Latinoamericana de Peritos en Construcción (CLAPEC)


Quantum Costs/Time
Schedule Deviations
Scope Deviations
Project Management
Contract administration




1007 N. Orange St. 4th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801

+1 267 679 6065


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