Carlos Daga

Senior Consultant


Civil Engineer, with more than 13 years in the Mining, Oil, Road Infrastructure and Construction Sector, Junior Claims Engineer, specialist in backlog analysis, schedule analysis, Measured Mile impacts and multiple critical routes according to total clearance. Expert in planning tools and advanced knowledge in financial management. Solid training in project management, knowledge and skills in the application of the Last Planner, Lean Construction and EVM methodology to the planning and control activities of large-scale projects/contracts, leading to successful management and control of scope, costs and schedules. Great analytical capacity to understand the main causes of cost overruns, proven ability to understand the type of problems that result in delays, and also provide support to compensation requests, formulation and support of Claims and Damage Expertises.
Resume Detail



Civil engineer
Master in Senior Management Management


Comunidad Latinoamericana de Peritos en Construcción (CLAPEC)
Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE)
Certiprof Professional Knowledge


Certified SPFC 
Certified SMFC


Schedule Deviations
Control of Projects/Contracts
Contract administration
Quantum Damages Costs/Time




1007 N. Orange St. 4th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801

+1 267 679 6065


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