QDR is dedicated to understanding the core business of our clients.

We are an international consulting firm for Construction Expert Witness Services with Latin American DNA and the best and broadest expert witness resources in the Region.

We are the Point of Reference, Defining the Direction and Setting the Standard for CONSTRUCTION EXPERT WITNESS SERVICES IN LATIN AMERICA.

QDR International focuses on Avoiding Construction contract Claims, and Claims and Expert Reports for international Arbitrations with proven experience in the Mining (crushing, grinding, flotation, drying and foundry plants), Energy (thermoelectric, hydroelectric, wind, power transmission), Oil&Gas (Petrochemicals, Hydrocarbons, Ammonia-Urea, Polymers, Regasification Stations), Infrastructure (highways, roads, bridges, railway facilities, soil and pavement design, road management, geotechnical engineering), Telecommunications and Computing.

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1007 N. Orange St. 4th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801

+1 267 679 6065



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